Homeschool Consulting

Jump to the Intake Form.

Are you overwhelmed by the thought of homeschooling overseas?

Do you feel unprepared to begin homeschooling in those early years? 

Or perhaps you’ve been homeschooling for a while and feel pretty comfortable with it, but your student is about to start high school, and you feel nervous all over again?

I’d love to help!

I’ve been homeschooling my four children for 15 years, including eight years in a developing country with regular power and water cuts and without access to a public library. 

I’ve launched one child to university (engineering school), I’m preparing to launch another (who is currently taking courses at a local community college for dual credit), and I’m still supervising my 13- and 15-year-olds at home. 

After a decade and a half, this homeschooling venture feels pretty natural to our family, but I remember how intimidated I felt both in the early years and when my oldest started high school.

You can fill out the intake form, and I’ll get in contact with you soon!

Topics we can cover include:

  • homeschooling overseas
  • homeschooling in the early years
  • high school and that dreaded transcript
  • building your homeschool around your strengths while shoring up your weak spots
  • recognizing when you need outside help
  • how to approach learning issues, scheduling issues, and discipline/connection issues
  • answering any curriculum questions you have 
  • evaluating (and celebrating!) your progress

In addition to my 15 years of homeschooling four children both in the United States and Cambodia, I have experience in:

  • developing hands-on math and science classes for coops
  • developing art and theater classes for coops
  • piloting a faith and science curriculum
  • serving on the leadership team of two different coops
  • speaking at the 2018 Family Education Conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • countless hours researching curriculum options, with an emphasis on math, science, and writing

Here’s the intake form if you’re interested.


From Kailey, homeschooling mom of 4 in the Midwest:

Meeting with Elizabeth to discuss my homeschooling questions was such a joy! She had specifically prayed over what she would say; that was extremely evident in the encouragement she offered from her perspective further down the road in her family’s homeschool journey.

My little learners are quite young, and I was not homeschooled myself, so I sometimes feel like I am walking around in the dark. Elizabeth served as a tour guide of sorts; she is very familiar with the road I am walking.

I felt affirmed to make the choices that were right for my own family, but also like I could troubleshoot anything with her and she would be happy to share from her personal experience. Affirmation, guidance and wisdom are all of such value, and I was gifted all three in my time with Elizabeth. I could not think of a better way for me to get into the right headspace for this new school year!

From Helen, homeschooling mom of 2 in Asia:

I am so thankful I got to talk to Elizabeth a few weeks before we started a new school year. We are in a transition year as I switch my older son from unit studies to subjects and my toddler starting preschool. Although I had done my research and planned out our homeschool year, I questioned myself and how it will all work out. 

Elizabeth reassured me of my plans and shared her experience of teaching multiple children at different levels, along with other invaluable advice. I left our call feeling confident and excited to start.


Pictured above: me in our school room in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, circa 2013. A visitor had just brought us some curriculum, and I was very excited. Note the periodic table in the background.